Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sex and the City Movie Review

Without even the film’s marketers doing much, Sex and the City is already the chick flick movie event of the year. When the television series ended with Carrie’s and Mr Big’s happily-ever-after in 2004, it was a finale that only left fans wanting more. What would become of the super-couple now that they’re together? How would sex-crazed Samantha ever be in a long-term relationship with movie star Smith Jerrod? How long more can total opposites Miranda and Steve tolerate each other? And idealistic Charlotte, now with the child she’s been dreaming of – how will she cope as a mother? Those questions, and more, are addressed in the movie.

It seems though that the philosophy director and writer Michael Patrick King adhered to while making this flick was ‘If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it’. So expect to see a lot of fabulous fashion, cocktails, glamorous New York City living and of course, issues of romance and relationships. Honestly, at 2 and a half hours long, only die-hard fans would have the patience to sit through what feels like an extended episode of season six. The plodding pace doesn’t help either as you never know if the drama’s coming to an end or just beginning. While it was great that the writers cared enough about the other three girls who aren’t Carrie Bradshaw, too many plotlines make for no proper story development. You never feel that their problems are ever monumental enough to invest your emotions into it. Though there are some cheesy scenes, snappy dialogue and wit make sure that it doesn’t get unbearable. While generally enjoyable, it’s definitely a film for the fans.

Cast Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis Director Michael Patrick King Runtime 142 mins Opens 24 July

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